- Just downloaded mysql community server and mysql workbench
- Followed along in the video (this is clearly an outdated video but you can follow along well enough)
- When connecting to the server i get error 'Cannot connect to database server'. access is denied for user root @ localhost (using password: YES).
- From lots of googling i think i need to reset the password
SOLVED ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: NO) If you’ve just installed mysql community server (in my case on Fedora 23) and you’re getting: The only thing that helped was: After that you’ll be able to do.
How do I reset the root password? (Mac latest OX)
Unfortunately I use Linux, so this instruction may not help.
Yet you can try it.
I had the same problem, and here is the post that solved all my problems
There is suggested to run the following commands:
I. Stop Mysql.
As a note here, i should add, that if you won't probably have mysql
at /etc/init.d/mysql
, so judging from this post:
Try to executed this one
II. Start Mysql Safe:
normally mysqld_safe
program should be on your $PATH, which means you can execute it just like that without a problems. If it is not, let me know. May be mysqld_safe
can be in /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe
. This I can only guess from this post:
“git-lfs” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.. Installing Git Large File Storage. Navigate to git-lfs.github.com and click Download. Tip: For more information about alternative ways to install Git LFS for Linux, see this. On your computer, locate and unzip the downloaded file. Open Terminal Terminal Git Bash. Change the current working. On all operating systems, once git-lfs is downloaded, git lfs install must be run. Each user that intends to use git lfs must run this command, but they only ever need to run it once. Git-lfs can be disabled by running git lfs uninstall, in which case that user would have to run git lfs install again. Install git-lfs in MacOS Git Large File Storage (LFS) replaces large files such as audio samples, videos, datasets, and graphics with text pointers inside Git, while storing the file contents on a remote server like GitHub.com or GitHub Enterprise.
III. Start Mysql.
Again you are on Mac so instead you probably should use :
IV. Login as root.
This command on Mac again probably should be somewhat like, if simply typing mysql
won't work..
This last command asks you finally to RESET password to the one you like, and you finally be able to use MySQL server and Workbench properly
I have tried those steps and some variations on those steps and its not working. I keep getting invalid command. Please help! This is so frustrating :(
I'm sorry, yeah I know, I spend whole day digging how to do it ..Unfortunately It is very hard to help you remotely.. The worst thing also that I have Linux, and not Mac ..
So if you have anyone that can help you locally, that would be the best solution..
I would you recommend you to remove MySQL and try to re-install it.Here for example instructions to remove MySQL i found
After doing that, install MySQL using following Guide on official MySQL pagehttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/osx-installation-pkg.html
According to it, at the step 7, temporary password will be shown
Try to follow those instructions, may be that will work. They look pretty straightforward to me ..
Of course you also can write me exactly what commands are you writing and its output, and we can try to debug where the problem is, but because Mac has such a nice GUI installator, I think you should to try to reinstall
I appreciate all your help on this. It is really good to know that treehouse is so supportive. Unfortunately it still isnt working. I think when I first downloaded it, I copied the files to some other location and can't uninstall it completely. I think I am just going to have to sit down for a couple hours and figure this all out or maybe go to a tech night around here
I understand..
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But before you go, I wanted to advice you one more thing.
MySQL workbench is not the only tool around to create Databases.
Check out this site
There plenty of SQL programs out there .. If I were you I would have tried others
For example I really like JetBrains company, and if I ever need database creation tool, I'm going to try 'DataGrip' solution.
It has 30-day trial, but still is a definitely a thing to try.
I know it will be a bit more complicated to follow the course, but still.
MySQL it is just a tool, nothing else. And if a tool does not work, you use another one that does.
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Here are the steps to follow to fix it on Mac OS X 10.10.5 and MySQL v.5.7.10
- Stop mysqld : The easiest way to stop mysqld is via MySQL in “System Preferences”. Just open it, look for MySQL and hit “Stop MySQL Server” button .
If you didn’t install this utility, you need to go with launchctl tool. Open Terminal, and enter the following command: (as root user)
sh-3.2# launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.oracle.oss.mysql.mysqld.plist
If com.oracle.oss.mysql.mysqld.plist is not installed, just run killall command as root:
sh-3.2# killall mysqld
- From Terminal , launch mysqld using this command:
sh-3.2# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld –skip-grant-tables
- From Terminal , connect to your mysql using this command:
sh-3.2# mysql -u root
And enter the following command from mysql prompt:(if you have a ‘root’ user):
mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string=PASSWORD(‘foobarpass’) WHERE User=’root’;
- Quit you mysql session and stop your mysqld :
mysql> quit;
sh-3.2# killall mysqld
- Start your mysql from System Preferences > MySQL or with launchctl:
sh-3.2# launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.oracle.oss.mysql.mysqld.plist
You can also start MySQL with this command:
sh-3.2# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld -u root -p (you need to enter your new password : foobarpass )
You should be able to connect to your mysql with your new password.