Mcgraw Hill My Math Volume 2 5th Grade Answers 927 928 Rating: 4,3/5 120 reviews
Chapter 12 Overview:
In Chapter 12, Geometry,students should understand the following concepts:
1. How to classifypolygons.2. How to classifytriangles.
3. How to classifyquadrilaterals.
4. How to useattributes to describe two-dimensional figures.
5. How to find thevolume of a prism.
In Chapter 12, Geometry,students should be able to do the following concepts:
Looking for books by McGraw-Hill? See all books authored by McGraw-Hill, including Core Decodable Takehomes, Book 2 (Sraonline.Com, Level 1), and McGraw Hill Spelling Practice Book Grade 3, and more on Ters on the ALEKS website. ALEKS can be adopted in one of two ways: ALEKS may be adopted as a supplement to a McGraw-Hill textbook. In this case.
1. Classify polygonsby the number of sides.
2. Classify trianglesby the number of sides and size of angles.
3. Classifyquadrilaterals by the number of sides and size of angles.
4. Describeattributes that quadrilaterals share.
5. Find the volume ofprisms by using the formula V=length xwidth x height (V=lwh)
Chapter 12 Lessons:
Lesson 1: Polygons/My MathLesson 1 Answer Key
Lesson 2: Hands On: Sides and Angles of Triangles/My Math Lesson 2 Answer Key
Lesson 3: Classify Triangles/My Math Lesson 3 Answer Key
Lesson 4: Hands On: Sides and Angles of Quadrilaterals/My Math Lesson 4 Answer Key
Lesson 5: Classify Quadrilaterals/My Math Lesson 5 Answer Key
Lesson 6: Hands On: Build Three-Dimensional Figures/My Math Lesson 6 Answer Key
Lesson 7: Three Dimensional Figures/My Math Lesson 7 Answer Key
Lesson 8: Hands On: Use Models to Find Volume/My Math Lesson 8 Answer Key
Lesson 9: Volume of Prisms/My Math Lesson 9 Answer Key
Lesson 10: Hands On: Build Composite Figures/My Math Lesson 10 Answer Key
Lesson 11: Volume of Composite Figures/My Math Lesson 11 Answer Key
Lesson 12: Problem-Solving Investigation: Make a Model/My Math Lesson 12 Answer Key
Links for GeometryPractice:
Period 5
This will be our second year using the math curriculum called My Math. This program was selected because it is designed to meet the math standards and embrace Mathematical Practices. Students will be exposed to multiple activities that will allow them develop mathematical skills which they can apply towards becoming college and career ready. In addition to the in-class curriculum, My Math has a variety of on-line resources for students to access and provide support for every lesson. Below are a few resources that will be beneficial throughout the school year . Chapter Overviews and e-Books: Once you have accessed your My Math account, students and parents can review the day’s lesson through the on-line interactive eBook. Select the chapter and lesson then click on Open ebook.
Resources Tab: Click on the Menu icon in the top left hand corner to find the Resource Tab.
Under the Resourcetab you will open a variety of support for students and parents to utilize as they work through each Chapter. eHelp and Tutor:provide additional practice and guided practice for skills and concepts. Games: allow students to practice or review skills. Tools: an interactive whiteboard to practice skills. Watch: allows students to watch animated videos and songs that review concepts
Response to intervention and Worksheets: Provide additional practice for concepts.
Homework Tab: Under the homework tab students can find homework that has been assigned to them on-line
Below you will find the link to access your student's on-line account. My Math-Digital Resource: Username: Last Name (ALL CAPS), Lunch Number Example: DAVIS444444 Password: Gocats5 (DO NOT CHANGE PASSWORDS)
In addition, you will find a link for each Chapter within the My Math series. Under each Chapter I have provided an overview of the Chapter, a list of each lesson, the Common Core Standards covered in each lesson, and answer keys for each homework assignment. As a parent, it was always helpful for me to understand what my children were being taught and having access to resources that could help me provide support for them. This is the purpose for providing the answer keys to homework. I feel that this is just another way for us to partner, and help support and promote success in your child's education. Math Math Series by Chapters |