Supply Chain Management At World Co. Ltd. Pdf Rating: 3,8/5 1669 reviews

Supply Chain Management at World Co. Read the World Co. Case and develop written responses to the following questions. How does World Co. Achieve the short response times described in the case? The lead time at U.S. Department stores often exceeds six months while World Co.’s is two weeks. Article (PDF-3MB). The focus of the supply chain management function has shifted to. Digital supply chain business models, and to transform the company. The digital capabilities of the organization are very limited.

Pages: 8 (2494 words) · Style: Harvard · Bibliography Sources: ≈ 6 · File: .docx · Level: Master's · Topic: Business

It has a major impact on cash flow, as sales have been made, but the cash for them has not been realized.
Supply chain problems also create problems with inventory control and days that stock remains in inventory before profits from it are realized. Supply chain issues affect overhead costs, due to the need to ramp up production once the bottleneck in production has been resolved. Supply chain problems create many problems throughout all areas of the operation. As the supply chain continues to expand on a global basis, so does supply chain risk due to disruption of the supply chain (Schmitt & Singh, 2009). As the supply chain becomes more complex, the chance for catastrophe at any juncture in the system becomes increased. The Japanese disaster is only one example of what could happen to disrupt the supply chain.
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for $19.77 The problem with supply chain issues of any type is that orders are not being fulfilled. Regardless of the reason, the sales momentum that attracted the customer to the product and that led to their purchase of the item is lost. Much sales technique depend on getting the customer interested, getting them hooked and then getting the product into their hands before they change their mind. When an item sits on order for an extensive length of time, the customer has a chance to reconsider their purchase. There are a number of customers who will still decide that they want the item, regardless of the wait. However, other customers might become impatient and check out the competition. They might decide to cancel their order, resulting in lost sales. This is a key reason for taking extra precautions to make certain that supply chain interruptions do not cause excessive delays in getting the product to the customer.
Solutions to the Supply Chain Problem

Term Paper on Purchasing and Supply Chain Management: Assignment

The Japanese earthquake taught everyone several important lessons about supply chain management. It highlights the need for contingencies and risk management strategies to protect supply and protect order and sales. Apple already takes several measures to help avoid disruption of their supply chain. Unfortunately, they depended heavily on many major components from Japan that were essential to their product. They suffered better than some of their competitors and worse than others.
Apple has several policies that helped to pad them from supply chain interruptions. Investors typically forgive supply chain interruptions, as long as demand is not affected (Frommer, 2011). Demand was stronger than ever for Apple's products, which means that investors should not see a reason to downgrade the stock and it should not affect stock price (Frommer, 2011).
Apple takes several measures that allowed them to survive the Japan earthquake disaster. They have a policy of pre-buying and pre-paying components (Frommer, 2011). This shielded them from many of the price shocks felt after the earthquake and it made them a supplier priority as soon as the Japanese plants came back online and were able to get components out for shipment.
Supplier diversification is a key supply chain risk reduction strategy. As the supply chain grows to include an increasingly global geographic territory, the chances for disruption of the supply chain increase. Having a number of alternate suppliers is always an important supply chain risk management strategy. This high standards that Apple holds all of their suppliers to helps them to maintain quality if alternate suppliers are need to be called into action. The Japanese earthquake highlighted the need to develop a geographically diverse network of suppliers as well. The earthquake in Japan was so widespread that it had a larger impact than a localized event.
Apple has an effective supplier diversification policy, but the Japanese earthquake highlights the need for geographically diverse suppliers as well. Some of the components in the iPad2 are only made by a single supplier, such as the touchpad glass (Rassweiler, 2011). When this component was disrupted by the earthquake, manufacture stopped completely. Apple needs to examine the risks associated with single supplier, highly specialized components, against the financial costs of acquiring secondary suppliers for all components. Common components are less problematic than highly specialized components. This principle stands for any manufacturing process, not just consumer electronics.
The Japanese earthquake was a great teacher about risk management in the supply chain. Apple had several strategies in place that reduced its vulnerability in some cases. However, it also discovered that highly specialized single supplier components still had the ability to halt the entire system, regardless of all of the other good measures that they had taken combined. This case highlights the importance of supplier diversification and the need to have a backup supplier for every component in the manufacturing process. This case demonstrates how the inability to supply even one component in a complex process, regardless of how insignificant the component might seem has the ability to stop the supply chain dead in its tracks. Apple is an excellent case for the study of supply chain risk in the event of a disaster.
Apple Inc. 2009. Suppler Responsibility. 2010 Progress Report. Available at: < > [Accessed May 18, 2011.}
Frommer, D. 2011. Gene Munster: Apple Supply Chain Temporarily Affected By Japan Earthquake, But 'Demand Stronger Than Ever' (AAPL). March 17, 2011. SF Gate. Available at: < >. [Accessed May 18, 2011].
Linzmayer, Ronald W. 1999. Apple Confidential: The Real Story of Apple Computer, Inc. No Starch Press. Available at: < > [Accessed May 18, 2011]
Rassweiler, A. 2011. iSuppli press release: Japanese Earthquake Poses Potential Supply Problems for iPad 2, March 17th 2011. iSupply. Available at: < >. [Accessed May 18, 2011]
Schmitt, A. & Singh, M. 2009. Quantifying Supply Chain Disruption Risk Using Monte Carlo and Discrete-Event Simulation. Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference. Available at: < >. [Accessed May 18, 2011]
Trefs Team. 2011. Supply Chain Issues Resurface for Apple. May 16, 2011. Trefis. Available at: <… [END OF PREVIEW] . . . READ MORE

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The Center supports the production of research publications that give new perspectives and influence the course of research and teaching in the field.

Reliability or Inventory? Analysis of Product Support Contracts in the Defense Industry, (2015), Morris Cohen, S. Kim and S. Netessine, chapter in “Information Exchange in Supply Chain Management,” edited by Albert Ha and Chris Tang, Springer.

Service Competition and Product Quality in the U.S. Automobile Industry, (2015), Morris Cohen, J. Guajardo and S. Netessine, forthcoming, Management Science.

The Parking Time Dilemma and Chinese Postman’s Revenue”, (2015), Morris Cohen, M. Dror and N. Suakkaphong, forthcoming, European Journal of Operational Research

An Algorithm and Demand Estimation Procedure for Retail Assortment Optimization, (2014), Marshall Fisher and Ramnath Vaidyanathan, Management Science 60(10): 2401-2415

Which Products Should You Stock?, (November 2012), Marshall Fisher and Ramnath Vaidyanathan, Harvard Business Review.

Impact of Performance Based Contracting on Product Reliability: An Empirical Analysis, (May 2012), Morris Cohen J. Guajardo, S. Kim and S. Netessine, Management Science, Volume 58, No. 5.

Product Performance Based Business Models: A Service Based Perspective, (January 2012), Morris Cohen, Proceedings HICCS-45.

Contracting for Infrequent Restoration and Recovery of Mission Critical Systems, (September 2010), S. Kim, Morris Cohen, S. Netessine and S. Veeraraghavan, Management Science, Vol. 56, No. 9.

Teaching Retail Operations in Business and Engineering Schools, (September 2010), Tom Van Woensel, Marshall L. Fisher, Jan C. Fransoo, INFORMS Transactions on Education Volume 11, No. 1, pp. 29-34.

Information Sharing in a Long-term Supply Chain Relationship: The Role of Customer Review Strategy, (January-February 2010) Morris Cohen, J. Ren, T. Ho and C. Terwiesch, Operations Research. Volume 58, No. 1.

Are Your Staffing Levels Correct?, (2010), Marshall Fisher, Jayanth Krishnan and Serguei Netessine, International Commerce Review Volume 8, No. 2, pp. 110-115.

Rocket Science Retailing: The 2006 Philip McCord Morse Lecture, (May-June 2009), Marshall Fisher, Operations Research Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 527-540.

Assortment Planning: Review of Literature and Industry Practice, (2008), Gürhan Kök, Marshall Fisher and Ramnath Vaidyanathan, in Retail Supply Chain Management: Quantitative Models and Empirical Studies, Eds. N. Agrawal and S. A. Smith, Springer Science + Business Media, LLC, New York, NY.

Performance Contracting in After-Sales Service Supply Chains, (December 2007) S. Kim, Morris Cohen and S. Netessine, Management Science, Volume 53, No. 12.

Call-Routing Schemes for Call-Center Outsourcing, (Winter 2007), Noah Gans, Y.-P. Zhou, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 9 (1).

Estimating Demand Uncertainty Using Judgmental Forecasts, (Fall 2007), Vishal Gaur, Saravanan Kesavan, Ananth Raman and Marshall Fisher, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 480-491.

Needs-Based Analysis of Online Customer Reviews, (August 2007), Thomas Lee, International Conference on Electronic Commerce.

Using Regulatory Instructions for Information Extraction, (July 2007), Thomas Lee, AAAI Workshop on Information Integration on the Web.

Pricing and Capacity Rationing in Rentals, (March 2007), Noah Gans, S. Savin, Management Science, 53 (3).

Bob Hayes: Forty Years of Leading Operations Management into Uncharted Waters, (April 2007), Marshall Fisher, (forthcoming) Production and Operations Management, OPIM Working Paper, The Wharton School.

Retail Assortment Optimization: An Attribute Based Approach, (February 2007), Marshall Fisher, Ramnath Vaidyanathan, OPIM Working Paper, The Wharton School.

Assortment Planning: Review of Literature and Industry Practice, (2007), Grhan Kk, Marshall Fisher, Ramnath Vaidyanathan, (forthcoming) Retail Supply Chain Management, Eds. N. Agrawal and S. A. Smith, Kluwer Publishers.

Category Management and Coordination in Retail Assortment Planning in the Presence of Basket Shopping Consumers, (2007), Gerard Cachon, Gurhan Kok, Management Science, 53(6): 934-951.

Joint Assortment Selection and Inventory Planning under Consumer Substitution: Methodology and Application, (2007), Gurhan Kok and Marshall Fisher, Operations Research, Vol. 55, No. 6, pp. 1001-1021.

Obtaining Fast Service in a Queueing System via Performance-based Allocation of Demand, (2007), Gerard Cachon, Fuqiang Zhang, Management Science, 53(3): 408-420.

Rocket Science Retailing, (2007), Marshall Fisher, (forthcoming) Operations Research, Paper based on the McCord Morse Plenary Lecture given 5 November 2006 at the INFORMS Annual Meeting.

Strengthening the Empirical Base of Operations Management, (2007), Marshall Fisher, (forthcoming) M&SOM, OPIM Working Paper, 23 December 2005, revised 15 January 2007, The Wharton School.

In Store Experiments to Determine the Impact of Price on Sales, (Winter 2006), Vishal Gaur, Marshall Fisher, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 14, No. 4: 377-387.

The Motion Picture Industry: Critical Issues in Practice, Current Research and New Research Directions, (Nov-Dec 2006), Jehoshua Eliashberg, Anita Elberse,Mark A.A.M. Leenders, Marketing Science, Vol. 25, No. 6: 638-661.

Winning in the Aftermarket, (May 2006), Morris Cohen, Narendra Agrawal, Vipul Agrawal, Harvard Business Review.

Achieving Breakthrough Service Delivery Through Dynamic Asset Deployment Strategies, (May-June 2006), Morris Cohen, Narendra Agrawal, Vipul Agrawal, Interfaces, 36 (3).

An econometric analysis of inventory turnover performance in retail services, (February 2005), Vishal Gaur, Marshall Fisher and Ananth Raman, Management Science Vol. 51, No. 2, p. 181-194.

An Empirical Analysis of Forecast Sharing in the Semiconductor Equipment Supply Chain, (2005), Morris Cohen, C. Terwiesch, T. Ho and J. Ren, Management Science, Volume 51, No. 2.

Capacity Management in Rental Businesses Morris Cohen Two Customer Bases, (2005), S. Savin, Morris Cohen, N. Gans, Z. Katalan, Operations Research, Vol. 53, pp.617-631.

Comments on ‘The Lagrangian Relaxation Method for Solving Integer Programming Problems’, (December 2004), Marshall Fisher, Management Science, Vol. 50, No. 12 (supplement), p. 1872-1874.

A Periodic Inventory Routing Problem at a Supermarket Chain, (November-December 2004), Vishal Gaur and Marshall Fisher, Operations Research, Vol. 52, No. 6, p. 813-822.

To You It’s a Store; To Me It’s a Factory, (Winter 2004), Marshall Fisher, ECR Journal International Commerce Review, Vol. 4, No. 2.

Managing Variety for Assembled Products: Modeling Component Systems Sharing, (Spring 2003), Kamalini Ramdas, Marshall Fisher and Karl Ulrich, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol. 5, No. 2, p. 142-241-156.

An Empirical study of Service Differentiation for Weapon System Service Parts, (July 2003), Morris Cohen,Vinayak Deshpande, Karen Donohue, Operations Research, Vol. 51, Issue 4: 518-530.

A Threshold Inventory Rationing Policy for Service Differentiated Demand Classes, (June 2003), Morris Cohen,Vinayak Deshpande, Karen Donohue, Management Science, Vol. 49, Issue 6: 683-703.

Telephone Call Centers: Tutorial, Review, and Research Prospects, (Spring 2003), Noah Gans, Ger Koole, Avishal Mandelbaum, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol. 5, Issue 2: 79-141.

Managing Variety for Assembled Products: Modeling and Component Systems Sharing, (Spring 2003), Marshall Fisher, Kamalini Ramdas,Karl T. Ulrich, Management & Service Operation Management, Vol. 5, Issue 2: 142.

A Call Routing Problem with Service-Level Constraints, (March-April 2003), Noah Gans, Y.-P. Zhou, Operations Research, Vol. 51, Issue 2: 253-271.

Measuring Imputed Cost in the Semiconductor Equipment Supply Chain, (2003), Morris Cohen, Christian Terwiesch, T. Ho, J. Ren, Management Science, Vol. 49, Issue 1.

Demand and Supply Dynamics for Sequentially Released Products in International Markets: The Case of Motion Pictures, (2003), Jehoshua Eliashberg, Anita Elberse, Marketing Science, Vol. 22, Issue 3.

Managing Supply Chains with Differentiated Service Requirements- Models and Applications, (2002), Morris Cohen,Vinayak Deshpande, Yunzeng Wang, The Practice of Supply Chain Management.

Differentiating Customer Service on the Basis of Delivery Lead-Times, (2002), Morris Cohen, Yunzeng Wang, Yu-Sheng Zheng, IIE Transactions, Vol. 34: 979-989.

Exchanging Preliminary Information in Concurrent Engineering: Alternative Coordination Strategies, (2002), Christian Terwiesch, Arnoud De Meyer, Organization Science, Vol. 13, Issue 4: 402-419.

Ending Inventory Valuation in Multi-period Production Scheduling, (2001), Marshall Fisher, Kamalini Ramdas and Yu-Sheng Zheng, Management Science.

Optimal Material Control in an Assembly System Component Commonality, (2001), Morris Cohen N. Agrawal, Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 48, pp. 409-429.

Optimizing Inventory Replenishment of Retail Fashion Products, (2001), Marshall Fisher, Kumar Rajaram and Ananth Raman, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol. 3, No. 3, p. 230-241.

A Two-Echelon Repairable Inventory System, (November 2000), Morris Cohen Stocking-Center-Dependent Depot Replenishment Lead Times, Y. Wang, Morris Cohen and Y-S Zheng, Management Science, Vol. 46, No. 11, pp. 1441-1453.

An Analysis of Several New Product Performance Metrics, (Fall 2000), Morris Cohen J. Eliashberg, T. Ho, Focused Issue of M&SOM on The Marketing/Operations Management Interface, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 337-349

Supply Chain Inventory Management and the Value of Shared Information, (August 2000), Gerard Cachon and Marshall Fisher, Management Science, Vol. 46, No. 8, Aug. 2000, p. 1032-1048.

Rocket Science Retailing is Coming: Are You Ready, (July-August 2000), Marshall Fisher, Ananth Raman and Anna McClelland, Harvard Business Review.

Accurate Testing of Retail Merchandise: Methodology and Application, (Summer 2000), Marshall Fisher and Kumar Rajaram, Marketing Science, Vol. 19, No. 8, p. 266-278

Supply Chain Innovation: Delivering Values in After Sales Service, (Summer 2000), Morris Cohen, H. Lee, C. Cull and D. Willen, Sloan Management Review, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 93-101.

An Analytical Comparison of Long and Short Contracts, (August 1999), Morris Cohen, N. Agrawal, IIE Transactions, Volume 31, No. 8, pp. 783-796.

Identifying Opportunities for Improving Teradyne’s Service Parts Logistics System, (July-August 1999), Morris Cohen, Y. Wang and Y-S. Zheng, Interfaces, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 1-18.

The Stabilizing Effect of Inventory in Supply Chains, (May-June 1998), M. Baganha and Morris Cohen, Operations Research, Supplement to Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. S72-S83.

Global Supply Chains: Research and Applications, (Fall 1997), Morris Cohen and S. Mallik, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 193-210.

Service Parts Logistics: A Benchmark Analysis, (August 1997), Morris Cohen, V. Agrawal, Y-S Zheng, IIE Transactions, Special Issue of Scheduling and Logistics on Supply Chain Integration and Coordination, Vol. 29, No. 8, pp. 627-639.

Competing in Product and Service: A Product Life-Cycle Model, (April 1997), Morris Cohen and S. Whang, Special Issue of Management Science on Frontier Research in Manufacturing and Logistics, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 535-545.

What is the Right Supply Chain for Your Product?, (March/April 1997), Marshall Fisher, Harvard Business Review.

New Product Development: The Performance and Time-to-Market Tradeoffs, (February 1996), Morris Cohen, J. Eliashberg & T. Ho, Management Science, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 173-186.

Valuing Operational Flexibility Under Exchange Rate Risk, (January-February 1996), A. Huchzermeier and Morris Cohen, Special Issue of Operations Research on New Directions in Operations Management, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 100-113.

Working Papers

Benchmarking Global Production Sourcing Decisions: Why and Where Firms Off- and Reshore, (2016), Morris Cohen, Shiliang Cui, Ricardo Ernst, Arnd Huchzermeier, Panos Kouvelis, Hau Lee, Hirofumi Matsuo, Marc Steuber and Andy Tsay, Wharton School Operations, Information and Decisions Working Paper.

Does Online Learning Work in Retail?, (January 2015), Marshall Fisher, Santiago Gallino, Serguei Netessine, Wharton School Operations, Information and Decisions Working Paper.

Competition-Based Dynamic Pricing in Online Retailing: A Methodology Validated with Field Experiments, (January 2015), Marshall Fisher, Santiago Gallino, Jun Li, Wharton School Operations and Information Management Working Paper.

Global Operations Strategy: A Chinese Perspective, (2015), Morris Cohen, Y. Chen, S. Cui, M. Dong, S. Liu and D. Simchi-Levi, Wharton School Operations, Information and Decisions Working Paper.

Joint Exchange and Stocking Policies for Repairables, (2015), S. Bitton, Morris Cohen, and I. Cohen, Wharton School Operations, Information and Decisions Working Paper, under review.

Manufacturing Sourcing in a Global Supply Chain: A Life Cycle Analysis, (2015), Shiliang Cui and Morris Cohen,Wharton School Operations, Information and Decisions Working Paper.

Quality Differentiation in Product-Service Bundles, (2015), J. Guajardo, Morris Cohen, Wharton School Operations, Information and Decisions Working Paper, under review.

The Value of Rapid Delivery in Online Retailing, (September 2014), Marshall Fisher, Santiago Gallino, Joseph Xu, Wharton School Operations and Information Management Working Paper.

Joint Stocking and Sourcing Policy for Single Depot, Single Base, Two-Echelon Environments with Repairables: The Role of Flexibility, (2014), I. Cohen and Morris Cohen Wharton School Operations, Information and Decisions Working Paper, under review.

Sourcing and Stocking Policies in a Two-echelon, Multiple Location, Repairable Parts Supply Chain, (2014), I. Cohen and Morris Cohen, Wharton School Operations, Information and Decisions Working Paper.

Assignment of SKUs to DCs to minimize split orders, (September 2012), Andres Catalan and Marshall Fisher, Working Paper.

Labor Planning, Execution, and Retail Store Performance, (September 2007), Marshall L. Fisher, Jayanth Krishnan and Serguei Netessine, Wharton School Operations and Information Management Working Paper.

On the Effects of Consumer Search and Firm Entry in a Multiproduct Competitive Market, (2007), Gerard Cachon, Christian Terwiesch,Yi Xu, (forthcoming) Marketing Science.

In Search of the Bullwhip Effect, (2007), Gerard Cachon, Taylor Randall, Glenn Schmidt, (forthcoming) M&SOM.

What Can be Learned from Classical Inventory Models: a Cross-industry Empirical Investigation, (2007), S. Roumiantsev, Serguei Netessine, (forthcoming) M&SOM, Special Issue on Empirical Science.

Simple Models of Discrete Choice and Their Performance in Bandit Experiments, (2007), Noah Gans, G. Knox, Rachael Croson, (to appear) M&SOM.

Operations Risk Management: Overview of Paul Kleindorfers Contributions, (2007), Morris Cohen, Howard Kunreuther, (forthcoming) POMS Journal.

How to (and How Not to) Estimate the Salvage Value in the Newsvendor Model, (2007), Gerard Cachon, Grhan Kk, M&SOM, 9(3): 276-290.

Implementing New Practices: An Empirical Study of Organizational Learning in Hospital Intensive Care Units, (June 2007), Anita L. Tucker, Management Science, 53 (6).

Reliability or Inventory? Contracting Strategies for After-Sales Product Support, (2007), Sang-Hyun Kim, Morris Cohen, Serguei Netessine, OPIM Department, The Wharton School.

Retail Store Execution: An Empirical Study, (January 2007), Marshall Fisher, Jayanth Krishnan, Serguei Netessine, (pending) Management Science, OPIM Working Paper, The Wharton School.

Competing Retailers and Inventory: an Empirical Investigation of U.S. Automobile Dealerships, (2007), Marcelo Olivares, Gerard Cachon, OPIM Working Paper, The Wharton School.

Purchasing, Pricing, and Quick Response in the Presence of Strategic Consumers, (2007), Gerard Cachon, Robert Swinney, Working Paper.

Improving Patient Outcomes: The Effects of Staff Participation and Collaboration in Healthcare Delivery, (2007), Ingrid M. Nembhard, Anita L. Tucker, Jeffrey D. Horbar, Joseph H. Carpenter, (under revision).

Drivers of Finished Goods Inventory Performance in the U.S. Automobile Industry, (2006), Gerard Cachon, Marcelo Olivares, OPIM Working Paper, The Wharton School.

Should Inventory Policy be Lean or Responsive? Evidence for U.S. Public Companies., (2006), S. Roumiantsev, Serguei Netessine, (under revision).

The Impact of New Product Introduction Upon Assembly Productivity in the North American Automotive Industry, (2006), M. Goyal, Serguei Netessine, M. Reindorp, Working Paper.

Operational Failures and Interruptions in Hospital Nursing, (2006), Anita L. Tucker, S.J. Spear, Health Services Research, 41 (3).

Capacity Investment by Competitive Startups, (2005), Robert Swinney, Gerard Cachon, Serguei Netessine, Working Paper.



New Thinking at New Balance, (2013), Marshall Fisher and Edwin Keh.

Yihaodian, (2010), Marshall Fisher.

Luen Thai B: Coping with Rising Wages, (2010), Marshall Fisher, Wharton Case Study.

Luen Thai A: Strategy for a Post Quota World, (2007), Marshall Fisher, Wharton Case Study.

Supply Chain Management at World Co. Ltd., (2001), Raman, Ananth, Anna McClelland and Marshall Fisher, Harvard Business School Case #: 601072-PDF-ENG

Wawa Store Execution, (2004), Marshall Fisher and Jayanth Krishnan.

National Bicycle Industrial Company, (1993), Marshall Fisher


The New Science of Retailing: How Analytics are Transforming Supply Chains and Improving Performance, (2010), Marshall Fisher and Ananth Raman, Harvard Business School Press.